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About the Database
Company information covering more than 85,000,000 of the world's businesses, including addresses, locations, directors and employees. Hoover's subscription gives access to the latest company, industry, and contact information you need to set sales strategy, prepare for calls, and enhance product positioning with industry and competitor insight. Uncover trends and opportunities, find new leads, and identify cross-sell opportunities with current customers.

Company Profiles & Financials

Hoover's, A D&B Company http://www.hoovers.com/

About the Publisher
Hoover's, Inc. was founded in 1990 as The Reference Press, and renamed Hoover's in 1996. Hoover's, Inc. is a leading provider of business information. Hoover's publishes authoritative information on public and private companies worldwide, and provides industry and market intelligence that helps sales, marketing and business development professionals and senior-level executives grow their businesses. The company operates Hoover's Online, which offers free, advertising-supported information, as well as in-depth premium information available through subscriptions.

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